Special Natural Reserve of the Montaņa Roja (T-6)

General Characteristics: this natural reserve is one of the best examples of inorganic sand habitats of Tenerife where you can also find wetlands with bird species that are protected by international covenants as well as included in the national endangered species catalogue. An example of this is the “chorlitejo patinegro” (Charadrius alexandrinus). The Montaña Roja and its connection to land is a well conserved geomorfologic element with a unique scenic presence.

Declaration: This area was declared a natural reserve by the Declaration of Natural Reserves of the Canary Islands as a location of national interest of the Montaña Roja through Act 12/1987, on the 19th June. It was reclasified to its current category of Natural Reserves of the Canaries on the 19th December through  Act 12/1994.

Other protections: the reserve is by its very definition an area of ecologic sensitivity to all its extents due to the Prevention of Ecologic Impact  Act 11/1990 on the 13th June.

Relation to other areas: none.
Island: Tenerife
Municipality: Granadilla.
Area: 166 hectares.
Population: there are a number of houses that appear to be abandoned with 6 inhabitants.

